You know you have an awesome blog post. You slaved over the perfect turn of phrase, used the right keywords, and got into the head of your ideal customer. You’ve hit publish and let your online audience know.
But there’s more you could be doing to make all your hard work pay off. By spending only a few dollars a day with Facebook Ads, you could get your post in front of more people and get better traffic to your site.
Helping our clients create effective Facebook Ads in Southfield has helped us see the value of this powerful marketing tool. And here’s why we think you should be using it, too.
Organic Reach Isn’t What It Used to Be
Since 2014, your organic reach, or the number of people your posts naturally reach, has been in decline. Chances are, your reach has declined by at least 30 percent, perhaps much more. This means that not all of your followers are seeing your posts, so you need a way to reach that audience you’ve worked so hard to build – and continue to add new users to your audience. Facebook Ads can do that.
High Quality Traffic
Did you know you could laser-focus your marketing efforts – and your budget? Have a blog post that would be super helpful to middle-aged construction workers who commute into Detroit every day? How about a how-to guide that stay-at-home mothers of newborns living in Royal Oak would love? Or are you trying to get more college students home for winter break talking about your holiday events? Whoever you want to target with your marketing efforts, setting up Facebook Ads in Southfield can help you find your ideal audience – not just any audience.
Maximize Your Quality Content
Gone are the days where simply producing piles and piles of content is the best solution for being found on the web. Google has altered their algorithms to favor longer, more in-depth, more valuable content. And you know what else? Now more than ever, Google looks to platforms like Facebook and other social media sites to decide how valuable that blog post or webpage is. The more likes, shares, and comments, the better. So it makes sense to create one quality post per week, and spend more resources marketing that piece, right? Spending just a few bucks a day on Facebook Ads can do that.
Flexible Settings
Why are you on Facebook? What value does it provide for your business? You get exposure, right? You get to take part in the conversation. But to what end?
Using Facebook Ads, you can design a campaign to get:
- More Traffic
- More Sales
- More Likes
- More Engagement
You can even focus on expanding to other platforms like Twitter or Instagram
Not sure where to start? That’s what we’re here for. Vivid Visual Solutions can design the best campaign for your small business so you can maximize your Facebooks Ads in Southfield, Michigan, or anywhere. Contact us today to get started!