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Building a branding strategy doesn’t happen in a day. It’s not something that you can just wing, either. Effective brand strategy requires careful planning, and that’s where Vivid Visual Solutions will start on your branding project. During this vital process, we’re your partner in creating a strategic goal map to take your brand to the next level.
We’ll begin by evaluating your current branding and web presence by asking hard-hitting questions, like:
- What are your strategic branding goals?
- Who is your ideal customer or target market?
- How will you serve them?
- Are you effectively connecting with your market? If not, why not?
You know when you’re not connecting with your target market. You can see it in your engagement rates, your sales, and your bottom line. Understanding the reasons for a lack of connection can be more difficult to figure out, however. It can be any of the following:
- Your logo is not memorable or you don’t have one
- Your website does not tell your story in a compelling or lead‐generating way
- The colors and imagery of your site are wrong for your industry and are running more visitors away than driving a sale
- Your website load is just too slow and users lose interest
- Your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or content marketing is not maximized to help Google drive traffic to your website
Vivid Visual Solutions will analyze what’s working with your branding strategy – and what’s not.
There will be some brainstorming and research sessions to cultivate ideas and strategies that best work for your brand. You’ll take our Free Brand Identity Quiz to help us understand how you perceive your brand so we can take steps to help your customers perceive you that way, too.
Finally, we’ll create a detailed, step‐by‐step plan that outlines how we’ll help you meet your brand strategy goals. Building a brand can include:
- Logo and graphic creation
- Web design and development
- Content marketing
- Social media marketing
- Professional photos of you and your staff
- Creation of various additional marketing materials.
Whatever your brand needs, Vivid Visual Solutions is with you, every step of the way. Get started today.
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