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Finally, the day we’ve all been awaiting: your brand’s launch. This is the day when your site goes live for all the world to see. All of your hard work finally comes together into your new brand. You now have a completed website, and maybe some social media accounts and content ready to send out to your email list.

It’s okay. You can celebrate. We know you want to.

While you crack open that champagne, we hope you don’t mind, but we’ll still be here taking care of a few last details to ensure your continued success. These next few weeks are crucial. We’ll capture video of actual website users to see the patterns they use and make sure your site is fully functional and easy to navigate. We’ll troubleshoot any hold‐ups and make any necessary tweaks to get your site perfect.

We’ll also get started on any additional maintenance and brand enhancement services you’d like. Unlike other branding agencies that create a website, hand you the keys, and wish you luck, we’re still with you even into your second glass of celebratory champagne and beyond.

If you need continued support for blogging, newsletter creation, social media marketing, or website maintenance, we’re here. If you need photography and image creation just to freshen up your site a bit or for new members of your team, or continuous advice on how to leverage your brand, we’re here for that, too.

Are you ready for a stunning new image, a dynamic website, and a whole new you? Take our Free Brand Identity Quiz to find out if your current branding needs a makeover, and get started with Vivid Visual Solutions, your concierge branding coach, today!

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